

This software is designed to help individuals of all ages, abilities and learning styles, with tools including:

  • Text-to-speech
  • Screenshot reader
  • Phonetic spell checker
  • Concept mapper
  • Fact finder
  • Word prediction
  • Voice note
  • Vocabulary list builder
  • Research Features

The toolbar seamlessly integrates with common applications including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Adobe Reader, and Chrome and Internet Explorer Web browsers.

Read&Write is installed in some computer labs on campus.


How do I log into Read&Write?

Log into Read&Write using your MSUM credentials.

How do I install Read&Write on my personal computer?

How do I use Read&Write?


If more assistance is needed

Incident Request: If you still need help with something not working as it should or have questions, please contact the IT Help Desk or create a ticket using the "Incident Request" button on this page, or if there isn't one included then you can initiate it from the home page.

Service Request: A formal request from a user for something to be provided, information, advice, a standard change or access to an IT service, navigate to the Service Catalog to find the service you specifically would like to request.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

For faster service, please sign in at the top of this page before submitting your Incident Request. If you are unable to sign in, you will be able to submit your request by including your personal email address and phone number.