Web Conferencing (Zoom)

All MSUM students, faculty, and staff are provided with a license for Zoom use. The license includes cloud recording and transcription services. Users can host up to 300 participants in their Zoom rooms.

If more assistance is needed

Incident Request: If you still need help with something not working as it should or have questions, please contact the IT Help Desk or create a ticket using the "Incident Request" button on this page, or if there isn't one included then you can initiate it from the home page.

Service Request: A formal request from a user for something to be provided, information, advice, a standard change or access to an IT service, navigate to the Service Catalog to find the service you specifically would like to request.

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Article ID: 4776
Mon 5/8/23 3:20 PM
Mon 5/8/23 3:20 PM