University Owned Computer Updates


Effectively patching MSUM’s computers for security vulnerabilities does not only require the effort of Information Technology (IT), but also requires the entire campus’s support to ensure that computers are available during the scheduled maintenance window. In an effort to protect the confidentiality of your data, and provide a secure computer environment, IT at Minnesota State University Moorhead maintains a patch-management routine and making it a part of our standard weekly operations. The process for patching campus owned computers will not be perfect, since we know we have many variations of use. It’s important to keep in mind if at all possible, faculty should make sure their computers are network attached (either via the network cable, or VPN) periodically, so that we can administer needed updates and patches. 

When are computer updates applied?

Employee, faculty and staff computer updates are applied Wednesday mornings, updates begin at 9:00 a.m..
Computer lab updates are applied Friday afternoon, updates begin at 4:00 p.m.

What will happen when an update is finished installing on my computer?

When security patches have finished installing on your computer, there will be a Window prompt in the lower right hand corner of your screen from “Lumension”. You will be presented with an option to either restart, or to postpone for up to 60 minutes. It is the recommendation of IT to restart your computer immediately. Please remember to save your documents first.

What if my computer was not on the network when the updates were started?

Computers that are not available (not on the network) when the patches are distributed will automatically start once the computer re-attaches to the MSUM network. If the computers are off the MSUM network for an extended period (a month or longer), then we recommend the use of the VPN to connect to the MSUM network while off campus. Since the amount of patches will vary, MSUM IT recommends that the VPN stay connected for at least an hour so the patches get fully deployed.


If more assistance is needed

Incident Request: If you still need help with something not working as it should or have questions, please contact the IT Help Desk or create a ticket using the "Incident Request" button on this page, or if there isn't one included then you can initiate it from the home page.

Service Request: A formal request from a user for something to be provided, information, advice, a standard change or access to an IT service, navigate to the Service Catalog to find the service you specifically would like to request.