What is the card replacement policy, process and fee?
Card Replacement Fee: $10
The Dragon Card Office is not liable for financial loss or criminal repercussions associated with lost, stolen, damaged or fraudulently used Dragon Cards.
- Lost or stolen Dragon Cards should be reported to the Dragon Card Office immediately.
- Dragon Dollars, the cash value deposited on a card's magnetic stripe, is not cash refundable even if the card is lost, stolen or damaged.
- Dragon Cards must be properly cared for, as a replacement fee will be assessed for replacement (lost, stolen or damaged) Dragon Cards.
How often do I need to get a new card?
Your Dragon card is automatically updated each time you register for a class so that you will not need to get a new one each semester.
What if my card is damaged or lost?
If you Dragon card is lost, damaged or stolen, you may purchase a new one at the Dragon Card office for $10. You will need personal identification and your Dragon ID number in order to obtain the card.
What happens when I leave school?
If you will no longer be enrolling at the University, you can bring in your Dragon card to the IT Help Desk located on the first floor of the Library, room 122.
Questions regarding the actual card?
Any questions or problems about the card should be directed to the Dragon Card Office which is part of the IT Help Desk.
Questions regarding the card access?
Direct card access questions to Key and Card Access.
How does the proximity function of the card work?
Wave Dragon Card in front of reader. Reader will beep and light will turn green when access is granted. Problems? Contact Key and Card Access.
Questions regarding the library function of the card?
Direct library questions to the Library Circulation Desk.
Questions regarding meal plans?
Direct meal and dragon dollar questions to Food Services.
How do I obtain a card if I am a distance learning student?
If you meet the distance learning criteria you can log in to the Distance Learning Card Portal with your StarID credentials and request a card.
How much can I put on my Campus Cash account?
No set limit, but only put on the amount to what you expect to spend. Campus Cash is required to be spent by Spring Commencement of each academic year.
How can I add money to my Campus Cash account?
You can deposit money into your account online are credit and debit only.
How can I check how much money is in my Campus Cash account?
View your balance and transactions online or by using the Campus Cash Card Management Center machine you can view and print your current card balance.
What happens if I lose my Dragon Card?
First, freeze your Campus Cash account online. Get a replacement card at the IT Helpdesk during business hours.
Refunds/Balance at end of Semester?
There are no cash limits, but do not put more on than you will spend. Campus Cash is required to be spent by Spring Commencement each academic year.
Where can I use my Campus Cash and Dragon Dollars?
Campus Cash can be used for non-food service purchases at these locations on campus:
Dragon Dollars can be used only for food service purchases at Sodexo locations on campus.
What is all the information on the card used for?

- Barcode used for Library privileges.
- Random numbers used for Security Codes for Card Access and Food Service meal plans including Dragon Dollars, Campus Cash and Kise Commons.
- Your Picture for identification.
- Your First and Last Name for identification.
- Your Classification at MSUM, i.e. student, staff, faculty, etc.
- Your unique MSUM ID also called your Dragon ID.
- The date your Dragon Card was issued.
- Your unique System ID also called your StarID.